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Eugene Oregon Criminal
Defense Lawyer / Attorney
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Eugene Oregon Criminal
Defense Lawyer / Attorney
Finding the right lawyer is a lot like finding the right pair of shoes. There are plenty out there, but the style, quality and price need to fit your needs. I live in Eugene, Oregon. In Eugene, every resident is required by law to own at least one pair of Birkenstocks. For those of you unfamiliar with this hippy shoe brand, a pair of Birkenstocks costs as much as a Buick. I recently noticed that Target sells shoes that look exactly like Birkenstocks, except for one thing – you can buy a pair for the price of a cheese pizza. I have looked at them and wondered whether I’m a chump for buying the real deal. But I’ve never taken the time to figure it out. I have bigger fish to fry. Most of us do. But here is where the lawyer / shoe comparison screeches to a halt. Finding the right lawyer is often an extremely important task. Yet many people spend more time finding the right dishwashing liquid than they do the right lawyer. It’s not uncommon for them to hire the first lawyer they stumble across. [FN1]
So, I asked myself, ‘Would people buy a book explaining how to find the right lawyer?’ The fact that you’re reading this introduction answers that question – not in a million years! [FN2] That’s why this isn’t a book. It’s a handbook – about a 30 minute read.
There is nothing more frustrating and stressful than being thrown into an unfamiliar world. This is true when the clock is ticking and you need to choose a surgeon, and it’s true when you need to choose a lawyer. In about 28 more minutes, the “seven secrets,” will replace much of this stress with a sense of confidence and control. [FN3]
We’ll begin by asking whether you even need a lawyer.
FN1 Sadly, yes, stumble. There are over 1.25 million lawyers in the United States. Please watch your step.
FN2 A noted exception, of course, would be the author’s mother. “Thanks, Mom!”
FN3 I use the word “secrets” in the broadest sense, as in, “All the marketing research says the word ‘secret’ must be included in a book title if you want people to buy it.” (Let’s just keep this footnote between us. In fact, why don’t we call it the eighth secret?)